Does Mode Matter? Measuring the Effects of Different Types of Online Political Engagement on Offline Participation




Recent studies have shown that online participation is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that replicates and extends existing forms of political engagement. What is less clear is the mobilizing potential of these different types of activity and particularly whether they trigger offline participation. This paper addresses these questions in an analysis of citizens online and offline behaviour in the context of a UK General Election. Specifically we identify three different modes of online engagement in the campaign, profile the individuals most likely to engage in them, and examine whether they affected individuals’ likelihood of voting. Our findings show that while newer social media based ‘e-expressive’ activities are most likely to appeal to those individuals who are not already engaged in politics they do not necessarily increase the likelihood of voting. By contrast higher consumption of news and information online during an election does appear to significantly boost individuals’ chances of turning out to vote.


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Biografia do Autor

Rachel Gibson, University of Manchester

Professor of Politics in the Institute for Social Change at the University of Manchester.

Marta Cantijoch Cunill, Universidade de Manchester, Manchester

I'm the Q-Step Lecturer in Politics at The University of Manchester. I hold a PhD in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I joined The University of Manchester in 2010 as a Research Associate in the Institute for Social Change. I have extensive experience teaching courses on quantitative methods and political behaviour to postgraduate and undergraduate students. My research interests include political behaviour, political participation, elections and voting, political communication and the effects of new media. I am particularly interested in how citizens use the internet to engage in politics.

David Cutts

Professor in Political Science at University of Birmingham with a particular interest in electoral and political behaviour, party and political campaigning, political and civic engagement, party competition and methods for modelling political behaviour. 


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Como Citar

Gibson, R., Cantijoch Cunill, M., & Cutts, D. (2018). Does Mode Matter? Measuring the Effects of Different Types of Online Political Engagement on Offline Participation. Comunicação Mídia E Consumo, 15(43), 218–248.


