“People will choose for you”:

Corporate social advocacy controversies as a window into the contemporary promotional industries





Public relations, promotional industries, corporate social responsibility, platforms, corporate social advocacy


Amid calls for more impactful corporate social responsibility and the growing significance of corporations and brands as sites to contest societal values, this article asks how a changed communication environment affects the practices of organisational communication, and with what effects? Through a thematic analysis of interviews, observation at industry events, and collected documents, it examines the motivations for corporate social advocacy, their mediation, and how the risks and rewards of participating in these kinds of communication are understood within the contemporary promotional industries. Using frameworks of contestation and justification, it identifies how constant media scrutiny, a low-trust environment, and investments in stakeholder relationships exacerbated the risks and rewards of social advocacy, pushing corporate advocacy towards tangible actions with governance implications.


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Biografia do Autor

Stephanie Hill, University of Leicester

Lecturer in PR/Promotional Media at the University of Leicester in Leicester, UK. PhD in communication and culture from Toronto Metropolitan University and York University. Masters in communication and culture from Toronto Metropolitan University and York University in Toronto Canada. Co-chair, Emerging Scholars Network at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). 


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Como Citar

Hill, S. (2023). “People will choose for you”: : Corporate social advocacy controversies as a window into the contemporary promotional industries. Comunicação Mídia E Consumo, 20(57). https://doi.org/10.18568/cmc.v20i57.2712



Dossiê Internacional: As indústrias promocionais e a lógica de plataformas na era digital